Myth Buster

Popular Myth:

Selling my puppies with a health guarantee only benefits the buyer and is a great way to stir up trouble.

Why is selling your puppies with a health guarantee so important??


#1. Because you have something in writing.

If the buyer takes the puppy to the vet and there is something going on, you the breeder will be the one to blame. If you do not have anything in writing and do not specify what is and what is not covered, you left the door wide open for the buyer to contest anything you told them. If you have a clear written HG stating what’s covered and for how long, and both the buyer and the seller sign it, you have something to show for if a claim comes up. On the HG, you can include issues that are not covered, or anything else you want in writing.

#2. Because health rules.

In today’s day and age, health is the most important factor for many potential customers when purchasing a puppy. People pay more for puppies and they expect the breeder to stand behind any genetic issues that may pop up. Having a HG, (and understanding and going by it) will be a way for you to stand apart from the rest of the crowd. It doesn’t need to be complicated and lengthy, but having something simple that the breeder and the buyer can understand, gives both parties peace of mind.

#3. Because it’s your duty.

Using a HG shows that you are trying and care about the health and welfare of the puppies that you raise, and it also shows that you care about the buyer and want his purchase to be a worthwhile purchase. Also it shows that you have confidence in your breeding program, and if you have genetic issues, you will take steps to correct those issues. This will also give other breeders confidence about your program, and they will be more likely to consider purchasing one of your well-bred puppies.

#4. Because it pays.

Selling your puppies with a HG will make you more determined to eliminate as many problems as possible, which will in time result in a better, healthier puppy, which will make happier customers, which will ultimately pay itself off many times over.

Health Guarantee For general and genetic health 

For _________________________________________________________ 

From _______________________________________________________ 

This is a guarantee that your new puppy appears free of general health issues (unless otherwise noted on the veterinary report). At the age of 5-7 weeks, this puppy was examined by a veterinarian, and unless otherwise noted on the report, appears normal & healthy. If you accept your puppy with the veterinary report that is given for that puppy, you take all responsibility for the puppy and all vet bills that may accrue in the future if it is not covered in this health guarantee. This health guarantee covers general health upon pickup, and genetic health from the day your puppy was born till one year of age. After one year, this health guarantee is void.

Every puppy must see a licensed veterinarian within 3 days after leaving the seller or the health guarantee is void. If a veterinarian examines your puppy and diagnoses it with any serious diseases or injuries not noted on the seller’s veterinarian report, the seller agrees to refund the veterinary cost directly related to the issue. The seller will in no case refund more than the cost of the puppy upon purchase. A full veterinary report diagnosing the issue must be presented to the seller, along with the veterinary’s contact information and signature. The report must show that the puppy has not been abused or neglected. Listed here are a few examples that do not apply and are not covered within this health guarantee, are as follows but not limited to; Crypt orchids, (left, right or both). Any skin infection like lice or mange that may occur after your puppy leaves the seller. Fleas or parasites of any kind. (internal or external). Small Umbilical Hernia not requiring surgery. Any diseases the puppy might pick up after leaving the seller.

You must vaccinate your puppy with the appropriate vaccines at the appropriate time and age of the puppy. Please know that all puppies can have worms or internal parasites. We deworm regularly and to the best of our knowledge, your puppy has no parasite issue. Also know that providing your new puppy with the proper nutrition is important. This puppy has been on Pawtree Dog Food and Juru Gut Support since the age of four weeks, and must continue, or this health guarantee is void. If your puppy has a life altering condition that proves to be genetic, up to the time the puppy is one year of age, you have two options. The seller will either replace your puppy with another puppy of the same breed & gender from the first available litter, or the seller will refund the veterinarian costs up to the amount paid for the puppy. The seller will in no case refund more than the cost of the puppy upon purchase. A full veterinary report diagnosing the issue must be presented to the seller, along with the veterinary’s contact information and signature. The report must show that the puppy has not been abused or neglected, and must prove that the condition is genetic.

If the puppy is resold to another party other then who the seller sold the puppy to or at a different residence from where my records indicate the puppy was to go to, this health guarantee is void immediately. Under no circumstances shall the seller be liable for any consequential damages resulting from or in a manner related to the puppy. Our goal is to provide you with a healthy puppy that will stay in your family for years to come. We don’t want to see your puppy with a health issue any more than you do. If your puppy shows up with any type of health issue, please contact us so that we are aware of it. By signing, both the buyer and the seller agree to use honesty and trust, and have read and understand this health guarantee.

Seller_____________________________.                           Date__________________

New Puppy Owner____________________                      Email Address___________________


Phone Number________________________________

Looking For More To Read?

USDA Today: The Impact of Rehoming

In 2012, when I first went to work with the USDA Animal Care, I would visit breeders throughout the country, and I would ask them what they did to rehome the dogs when they were done breeding. You would be amazed at how little rehoming was being done. I would ask the question why these dogs were not rehomed?

USDA Today: Time for Body Cameras?

The times are changing. USDA Animal Care, a unit within the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, administers the Animal Welfare Act (AWA). This federal law establishes requirements concerning the transportation, sale, and handling of certain animals. To enforce this law USDA Animal Care uses Inspectors throughout the country providing unannounced inspections. These inspections are regularly posted on the web for the world to see.

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