The Dog Journal

Call In:

How to be tough but healthy competition

This recorded call done by Matt Byler from the Investor’s Oasis shows us how to be tough competition without being nasty. In fact, being tough competition is all about being nice to work with, friendly, and honest. Getting nasty like the story of the guy with the Google ad robot in this call is not sustainable and makes no one happy at the end of the day. These calls aren’t specifically geared towards breeders, but the great lessons that Matt shares are valuable in any business, and a lot of them certainly apply to us as breeders. Don’t be scared of your competition, be the person your competition is scared of!

Dial…………………. 757-841-1184

Conference ID …. 626762# 

Conference Number.. 107# 

When Matt isn’t working his investment portfolio he loves hunting, hiking, camping with his boys, and spending time with friends that force growth.

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