The Dog Journal

Customer Survey:

The Results Are In

For this issue of The Dog Journal’s Results section, we’re going to talk about something a little different! In issue two, we did a giveaway drawing, and on the entries, we asked two questions. Everyone that entered for the drawing needed to fill out the answers to the questions, and the answers that came back were so interesting we decided to share them with our readers.

What is your favorite breed of dog?

Here are the winners listed in order. Most of the participants were children or young adults, so the fact that the sporting, hunting, and active breeds were most popular doesn’t surprise me.

27 Australian Shepherds

27 Golden Retrievers

18 German Shepherds

18 Poodles

15 Border Collies

14 Red or Blue Heelers

14 Yorkies

11 Huskies

10 Labs

9 Jack Russels

7 Beagles

7 Boxers

6 Welsh Corgis

6 Bichons

5 Golden Doodles

5 Rat Terriers

5 Akitas

5 Frenchies

5 Bernese Mountain Dogs

5 Pomeranians

5 Maltese

What is your favorite part of TDJ?

Again, considering who our primary participants were, these results don’t surprise me completely. I really love the fact that we’ve got all of these young people taking an interest in dogs and dog breeding, and I love the way they’re thinking outside the box, and wanting to do different activities with their pets etc. Looks to me like we’ve got an interesting generation of dog breeders coming along!

81 Antler Shed Hunting 

30 The Right Fit 

27 Adventure 

26 Feature Breeder Ads 

21 Bird Dog Training 

17 Events 

15 Giveaway Page 

11 Round The Table 

7 Ads 

6 Panel Discussion 

3 CCC Article 

3 Customer Care 

2 Socializing 

2 Events Calendar

Looking For More To Read?


Round Table: Q and A Issue 2

Is it okay to breed my female every time she comes into heat? It is generally not recommended to breed till the dog is at least 1 year old and

Call In: Genetic Health Testing and how it works

This is another great must listen to call done with APRI, by none other than Dr Robert Westra! Dr. Westra has an immense amount of knowledge he shares on this call about genetic health testing
and why and how it works.

Ten Ways to Make Your Veterinarian Want to Do Business With You

Though you may not want to think about taking your pet to the vet, the truth is that it is something that you are going to have to do, multiple times in your life. In order to be a good thing, you need to have a good relationship with your veterinarian and the entire staff. So, how can you do this? Here are some things that you can do to make sure that you have a good relationship with your veterinarian.

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