• Develop better stock of dogs – better genetics
• Get more money for the puppies and sell sooner
• Become the standard for others with same breed
• Build a new kennel
• Hire employees – better communication with current team
• Quit my day job and just focus on my dogs
• Happier customers
• Repeat customers
• Website? – better marketing
• Focus on fewer breeds
• Help other breeders – speak at events
As you can see, all we are doing at this stage is making a list of potential opportunities. Some of the things you list are achievable now and some will take years to achieve. Do not worry about how or if you will accomplish them. Just dream! What are your opportunities for the future?
Now, as you have done for the strengths and weaknesses list, let’s organize your list. See if you can categorize them and choose 2 or 3 top ones. So, in our above example, this breeder organized his opportunities as follows.
1. Develop better stock of dogs – better genetics
• Get more money for the puppies and sell sooner
• Become the standard for others with same breed
• Happier customers
• Repeat customers
2. Better Focus for me with my kennel
• Focus on fewer breeds
• Better marketing and web presence.
• Grow team more effectively
3. Long-term Opportunities
• Build a new kennel
• Hire employees
• Quit my day job and just focus on my dogs
• Help other breeders – speak at events