Use the blank paper to actually write down your Threats, and then keep this copy of The Dog Journal handy for the last part of this. Get creative, think long and hard, and get anyone involved in your business to gather around and help you. By the time this series of articles is complete, hopefully you can emerge with a clearer picture of where you are going, and what it will take to get you there. In the meantime, if this looks like something you should do, but are stuck on the details, reach out to Chuck and schedule a session with him!
In the world of dog breeding, it’s easy to get caught up in the immediate tasks at hand and forget about the big picture. There is always something to do, today! That is why many breeders find themselves living in the moment, without much thought for tomorrow’s challenges. But before we rush to judgment, it’s worth considering that many of us fall into this trap without even realizing it. Our busy schedules leave little time for forward planning, leaving us stuck in the ‘tyranny of the moment’ . Just take a glance at your to-do list – chances are, it’s filled with tasks that demanded your immediate attention.
Rare is the person who plans today for tomorrow. Instead of not planning on anything bad happening, they plan so that nothing bad will happen. In other words, they look at what could go wrong and develop a plan today to prevent negative outcomes. This requires us to have delayed gratification. We need to be willing to have short term pain for long term gain.
To fully harness the benefits of our SWOT analysis, it’s crucial to embrace a forwardthinking mindset. We cannot run our kennels just thinking about what needs to be done today. If you’ve been following our journey thus far, you’ve likely compiled a comprehensive list of your kennel’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities across various facets such as facilities, staff, marketing, systems, breeding stock, and customer relations. You’ve likely identified standout strengths and contemplated how to leverage them for future growth. How has this process gone for you? Are you encouraged? What steps have you made so far? As a review, fill in the chart below: