It’s this mindset that we have around dog breeding: people judge it–and us–in ways they don’t judge other industries. No one looks at a plumber, hesitantly, and says, “Wait, you fix pipes and reinstall water heaters for a living? How dare you?!” Yet, it’s not uncommon for people to think that we breeders are somehow being terrible to our dogs in an effort to make puppies.
If you’re getting started in breeding and are finding that you’re defending to people why you’re breeding because you’re anticipating that they’ll judge you, I want to give you five things to think about. These are five reasons why dog breeding is actually a really good thing, for the dogs, the buyers, and the industry as a whole. When you understand these points, you’ll know why what you’re doing is a good thing, and why we need more honest dog breeders in the world.
1. All Dogs Deserve Love
All dogs deserve love. ALL dogs deserve to have a high quality of life. Interestingly, it appears everyone in the dog industry is on the same page with this one: trainers, rescues, veterinarians, tv show hosts, and yes, us despicable breeders. Unlike other professionals in the industry, dog breeders get to start the process …from birth. We get to give our puppies that love and quality of life from the start. Then it’s our business to find those puppies a home, a family, who will rival our love of them. I think we have the best job, and our puppies are given the best start at a happy life, in clear contrast to an oops litter that ends up at the shelter.
2. Higher Quality of Life
Through intentional selection, honest breeders consider all aspects of a dog when breeding. They consider a dog’s temperament, drive, health, and the type of home they’ll succeed in. If a dog is free from health issues, with good hips and elbows, that’s one less thing that could get in the way of a dog having a high quality of life. There’s less chance of them living in pain. This is a key consideration when buying from an honest breeder: the dogs are healthy and set up for a long, happy life.
3. Alignment of Buyer and Dog
While all dogs deserve to be loved, no dog will be a good fit for every buyer. Much like dating, we all deserve to be loved, in a healthy relationship; but not everyone will be the right mate for you. Honest breeders work with buyers to help them find a dog whose needs will match the buyer’s lifestyle. They look for the best fit. They breed for consistency, which allows buyers to know what they are getting. When people know what to expect, they can prepare. They know the challenges they’ll face and are ready for them. All of this provides our puppies a significantly better chance for a life where they are loved and cherished.