The Dog Journal

Call In:

Vaccine Crash Course


This one hour call done by Dr Hatler with Neotech hosted by APRI is basically a crash course on vaccinations. If you want to know more about vaccines, how they work, how they’re made, the pros and cons, and much more. I would recommend this call for anyone that has questions about this subject, as Dr Hatler has a simple way of explaining all of this in a way that even I could understand it. All of us as breeders could certainly learn more in this field, and this is a great place to do just that. This call, like all of the calls done by APRI, is CEU credible.

Dial…………………. 757-841-1184

Conference ID …. 626762# 

Call Number…….. 21623# 

Looking For More To Read?

Panel Discussion: Website and Social Media Pt.4

And, drumroll please, here is the last part of the four part series of the Panel Discussion covering Advertising, Marketing, Branding, Social Media, Website Creation, and more. Hats off to all of the dedicated contributors that have taken the time to put their thoughts on paper.

Panel Discussion: DNA/ Genetic Health

Genetic Testing is the rage! It’s on everyone’s lips right now! Wait! As with all things new and exciting, there might be information out there that’s not 100% accurate.

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