7. Always let us know beforehand if finances are a concern.
We understand how money can affect the decisions that you make when it comes to your pet’s care. However, just let us know what we are working with. That is much easier than agreeing to everything and then realizing that you can’t pay for the blood work and x-rays that we have already done.
8. You should never make your irresponsibility our problem!
If your pet doesn’t have his or her shots up to date, and they need to go in the kennel tomorrow, this isn’t our problem! You have probably been planning your vacation for months, so you should have looked into that at the same time. Besides, we probably also sent you a vaccine reminder so that you would schedule an appointment to keep your pet up-to-date on vaccines. We will try to help you, but we just might not have any place to schedule you!
9. This also includes any sickness that you now feel is an emergency.
If your pet has had an ear infection for five days, don’t expect us to squeeze you in the day that you decide it is an emergency. If your cat or dog has been vomiting, call right away and schedule something as soon as possible. Don’t get mad when we can’t fit you in because you waited to call!
10. Also, make sure that you listen to our advice (not your friends on FB, the breeder, or the groomer).
When one’s pet is sick, the first thing that people do is ask their friends. They even post it on Facebook and take anyone’s strange advice, before consulting professionals. It also amazes me how many people trust the opinions of their breeders and groomers over the people who went to veterinary school. Now, many of them are very knowledgeable, but if something is wrong, you really need to talk to a professional. If you want to have a good relationship with your veterinarian and the staff, you really need to find one before you have a problem! It also helps to be kind, because you don’t know what they have gone through that day. You should also be respectful of their time. Show up for your appointments on time, and don’t make us squeeze someone else in too!
It also helps to put yourself in our shoes. When we say that we don’t have time to see your pet, it means that we don’t have time to see him or her. We have probably already overbooked ourselves, and we simply don’t have the time. We may also not have the staff to properly care for your pet. If your pet needs emergency surgery or monitoring, an emergency clinic might be the best place for your pet!