The Dog Journal

Call In Luck Funnel:

The Four Types of Luck

Did you ever wonder why someone you know got so lucky? Have you ever thought “if only I would get so lucky?” Do you have a friend that seems to attract good luck?

This recorded call done by Matt Byler from the Investor’s Oasis discusses the 4 different kinds of luck and what it takes to attract and capitalize on it. The first part of the call has tax tips, news, etc. like all of his calls do, then the last half of the call is dedicated to the luck subject. Make sure to listen to this call, and learn how to make luck come looking for you!

Dial…………………….. 757-841-1184 

Pin……………………… 626762# 

Call Number ……….. 171# 

When Matt isn’t working his investment portfolio he loves hunting, hiking, camping with his boys, and spending time with friends that force growth


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Kennel stress affects dogs in many ways. If steps are taken early when signs first appear, problems can be averted before they become serious

SWOT Analysis Part 5 of 5: Recognizing Threats.

Not something we want to talk about, but something that needs to be addresses: Threats within our company. Whether it’s a grooming business, a daycare, or a professional breeding business, there are certain threats that could become reality if our Weaknesses are not addressed.

Part 5 of this amazing continued series of articles dedicated to explaining and helping you implement the SWOT Analysis in your business or kennel. Another great article, done by Chuck Holt, with New Now Services, and this one focuses on the T of the acronym: Threats.

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