I had already been actively planning on jumping ship from the pharma world and I put in my two-week notice just before leaving for the Indiana State Fair for the Purina Incredible Dog Team (PIDT). The idea was to start my own dog training facility and continue to perform with my dogs as part of the PIDT and other K9 performing companies. It was still taking shape in my head.
I found a small, one bedroom cottage on 11 acres to rent with my (then) 7 dogs in Accord, NY, which also had 3 large warehouses on it. I talked my landlord into renting one of the warehouses to me to start my new business, Rise & Shine Canines, Inc., when my life made a screeching stop and took me and my dogs down the ideal path for all of us.
Within four months, I was told that Ringling was looking for a high-energy dog act and asking if I would be interested. Simply put, running away from corporate America, and joining the circus was the best decision of my life!
I put the New York training facility idea on indefinite hold and jumped the fence of “normal life” into this sparkling new twist in performing. The talent scout along with the owner of the Greatest Show on Earth, flew out to meet me to see first-hand what I could bring to the table/ show. I rented a nearby dog training facility, where they met me. I performed my Frisbee routines and different tricks that the dogs could do. I guess you could say it was an “audition”. After an hour of showcasing my dogs’ talents, they stopped me, talked amongst themselves, and I guess they liked what they saw, because they turned and asked, “Can you be in Tallahassee, Florida in two weeks?” By the look on my face, I gathered I appeared somewhat confused. They then clarified that they were asking me to join the show. I was offered a 2 year contract as the featured dog act for the Ringling Bros. Gold Show tour.
I had just landed my dream job! In case you did not know, Ringling Bros. had three touring shows operating at once: The Blue, The Red and The Gold. The “intimate” Gold Show was designed for smaller arenas and traveled by trucks and trailers while The Red and The Blue Shows toured larger venues and traveled mostly by trains. These trains, were over a mile in length as they raced from city to city nationwide. During this two-week preparation for changing my entire life, the Ringling talent scout, came back to NY and spent two days with me putting together my Frisbee routines (with Jet, Houston & Dallas) into a quick, five-minute, entertaining Circus-Style Dog Act. He videotaped what we came up with and sent it to the Ringling Bros. musicians for them to write a song for the act.