Myth Buster

Popular Myth:

Requiring potential puppy buyers to fill out an application will turn them away.

Well, we have proven opposite, and here’s why requiring your potential puppy buyers to fill out an approval application can simplify things for you as a breeder.


#1. Potential buyers want it.

According to a recent study done by TDJ, 41% of potential customers actually specified that they want this! Have you ever had someone reach out about a puppy and ask if you had any questions for them before they come pick out their puppy? Most prospects want to feel like they’ve earned the right to purchase a puppy from you, and providing them with a basic questionnaire can give them the opportunity to tell their story, and feel like they deserve an amazing puppy.

#2. It shows that you care.

If you as the breeder ask some basic questions before agreeing to place a puppy with someone, that sends a message that you care about the puppy, and that you want this to be a great fit and a smooth transition. Just blindly placing puppies with anyone that has the funds to pay for it can lead to frustration and confusion for you, the puppy, and the new owner.

#3. It can cut down on “tire kickers” dramatically.

#3 It can cut down on “tire kickers” dramatically. Let’s face it, it’s not hard to fall in love with a puppy you see online and start a conversation with the breeder, without ever even making sure that buying a new puppy is a good idea. While for me as a breeder that’s not all bad, as it can start a conversation that may result in a purchase down the road. However, it some point it’s time to find out how serious this prospect is, and by asking them to fill out a brief questionnaire, you’re confirming that yes, this is a legit inquiry.

#4. It signals dedication.

When someone reaches out about a puppy, I answer any questions they have, and then I ask for an email address, at which point I send an informational email with the questionnaire attached. You know when someone is dedicated enough to take the time to fill out this information, they’re probably dedicated enough to follow through with other recommendations you make as a breeder. Also, if you ask the right questions, it can help to make your prospect be and feel more prepared.

So, is this really a myth? Well, maybe not completely, as it may turn away prospects that aren’t dedicated or aren’t the right fit for your puppy, and honestly, that’s probably better anyway!

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