Myth Buster

Popular Myth:

This is the worst time ever to sell puppies.

So, this is the first time since the creation of The Dog Journal that I have allowed myself to talk about the impact that Covid has had on the way we sell puppies. Why? Because I’m tired of hearing breeders laud Covid as the “golden era of selling puppies” that will probably sadly never come back.

Written By: The Dog Journal


#1. Quality Matters.

Think about it, during Covid, all one had to do was raise a puppy with four legs and a tail, and the puppy found a home for an overpriced number. Quality didn’t really matter. You could be doing everything right, but the breeder next door that only wanted to make a quick buck could sell the same number of puppies for as much as you could, and without putting any of the hard work into breeding quality. Today, quality matters. You set yourself apart by the work you put into your breeding program.

#2. Time to Upgrade.

Think about it, during Covid, all one had to do was raise a puppy with four legs and a tail, and the puppy found a home for an overpriced number. Quality didn’t really matter. You could be doing everything right, but the breeder next door that only wanted to make a quick buck could sell the same number of puppies for as much as you could, and without putting any of the hard work into breeding quality. Today, quality matters. You set yourself apart by the work you put into your breeding program.

#3. Customer Education.

Unfortunately, over Covid a lot of bad transactions were done, and a lot of new puppy parents were misinformed and not properly educated about how to care for a puppy. This led to a lot of puppies or dogs ending up back in the breeder’s hands, in rescues, or just simply unwanted. That wasn’t fun, and it seems like puppy parents and prospect puppy parents are taking more time to do the proper research before making a commitment, which increases the odds of long-term success by a lot.

#4. Customer Loyalty.

According to the experiences we personally are having, as well as the successful stories we hear from other breeders, if through this crazy time of Covid, you as a breeder stayed true to your commitment of quality, and bred for health, temperament, and happy customers, your customer base has grown more loyal. Current and prospect puppy buyers become much more loyal when they can see your commitment to why you do what you do, versus just “selling a puppy.”

Be encouraged! Breeders that breed quality and are dedicated can find homes for their puppies. It may take some innovative thinking, but that’s what helps us grow anyway, right? And let’s not forget what longtime Collie breeder, Matt Stelter pointed out. “We are all going to need new places to breed as we attempt to improve health, conformation, temperament, and breed type.”— Written by The Dog Journal

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