The Right Fit: Gordon Setters
Gordon Setters have established themselves as a highly regarded and versatile breed of dogs, renowned for their distinctive appearance and exceptional abilities.
Tell Congress that HR 5041/S. 2555 “Better CARE for Animals Act” Undermines Animal Care
H.R. 5041/S. 2555, the so-called “Better CARE for Animals Act”, will do precisely the opposite of its name by removing crucial animal experts from the chain of animal welfare oversight. For this reason, the American Kennel Club (AKC) is urging all responsible dog owners to contact their Member of Congress and U.S. Senators and to ask them to oppose and not co-sponsor this dangerous legislation.
This bill shifts enforcement of dog breeder licensing under the Animal Welfare Act (AWA) from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). This would circumvent oversight authority by an agency staffed by animal experts that focuses on improving animal husbandry, and instead place it with one with little or no animal expertise that focuses on violations as potential federal crimes.
H.R. 5041/S. 2555 would also empower the DOJ to file charges, seize animals and impose penalties regardless of whether USDA has determined or even alleged that there has been a violation of the Animal Welfare Act (AWA).
Talking Points:
Call you’re your members of the U.S. House and Senate today! Ask them to not support or co-sponsor the Better CARE for Animals Act.
Tell them that a better, more effective solution would be to support additional financial resources for USDA so they can appropriately enforce the requirements they already have.
In this way, the comprehensive federal Animal Welfare Act can be fully and appropriately enforced by those with the greatest expertise – ensuring the best possible care for animals.
The American Kennel Club Government Relations Department (AKC GR) is continuing to advocate on your behalf in Congress, as well as the state and local levels. For questions or more information on legislation impacting breeders and how you can help, contact AKC GR at (919) 816-3761 or [email protected].
The AKC Government Relations Department (AKC GR) is dedicated to protecting the rights of all dog owners, promoting responsible dog ownership and ensuring that laws governing dog ownership and breeding are reasonable, enforceable and non-discriminatory. AKC GR leads the AKC’s legislative efforts and works “to protect the rights of all dog owners and promote responsible dog ownership” (AKC Mission Statement). AKC GR also works to educate and inform responsible dog owners and breeders about the issues that impact them as well as to monitor and positively impact legislation that affects them.
For more information, contact AKC Government Relations at:
Phone: (919) 816-3720
Email: [email protected]
Gordon Setters have established themselves as a highly regarded and versatile breed of dogs, renowned for their distinctive appearance and exceptional abilities.
My name is Landon Hutchison, residing in Harwood, Missouri. I wear many hats, but my most notable ones being an AKC Professional Handler, Kennel Manager, Basset Hound Breeder, and owner of Duke Marketing Agency. I manage my parent’s kennel, Bar H Farms, who breed Basset Hounds under the “Bar H” prefix. Puppies from my personal breeding can be distinguished by the prefix addition of “Duke’s”
Oh no! you know that smell. Yes “That” smell. Nothing else is quite like it. You open the door, and the odor of parvovirus knocks you a step back. Consider yourself fortunate if you have never had this experience. But if you have, you know you and your pups are in big trouble.