The Dog Journal

The Right Fit:

Portuguese Water Dogs

A Look into the History, Care, and Popularity of This Versatile Breed”

The Dog Journal June/July 2023


The origin of Portuguese Water Dogs dates back to the coastal region of Portugal, where these dogs were bred to be working companions to fishermen. Their primary job was to assist in fishing expeditions by retrieving fish that had fallen off the boats, herding fish into nets, and carrying messages from ship to shore. 

The breed’s name in Portuguese, Cão de Água, literally means “dog of water,” and it perfectly captures their primary function. The dogs were known for their incredible swimming ability, and they could easily swim long distances in choppy waters. Their coats were also a valuable asset, as they provided insulation against the cold water and protected the dogs from injury while working. 

Although the exact origins of the breed are unclear, it’s believed that they are descended from a mix of breeds that were brought to Portugal by traders and sailors. Some experts speculate that they may be related to the Poodle or the Irish Water Spaniel, while others believe that they share a common ancestor with the Barbet, a French water dog.


Portuguese Water Dogs, also known as PWDs, have a rich history that dates back centuries. These highly intelligent and athletic dogs were originally bred by fishermen in Portugal to assist in their daily tasks on the sea. PWDs were trained to retrieve lost gear, guard boats, and even herd fish into nets. They were also skilled swimmers and would often jump overboard to retrieve items that fell into the water.

In addition to their work on the sea, PWDs were also popular with Portuguese aristocrats. They were often given as gifts and were even used as status symbols. These dogs were so beloved that they were sometimes given special privileges, such as being allowed to ride in carriages alongside their owners.

Portuguese Water Dogs, or PWDs, are a highly intelligent and athletic breed that have been popular among seafaring communities for centuries. These dogs were bred for their ability to assist fishermen by retrieving lost gear, guarding boats, and even herding fish into nets. In this article, we will explore the history of the Portuguese Water Dog, their grooming needs, exercise requirements, and what they are used for today. We will also discuss their popularity in the show ring and highlight some famous Portuguese Water Dogs.


The breed nearly went extinct in the early 20th century due to the decline of the Portuguese fishing industry. However, in the 1930s, a wealthy Portuguese businessman named Vasco Bensaude became interested in preserving the breed and began a breeding program. Bensaude’s program focused on selecting dogs with the best working ability and temperament and was successful in preserving the breed. The Portuguese Water Dog was officially recognized by the Portuguese Kennel Club in 1954.

In the 1960s, the breed was introduced to the United States by a wealthy American family who had seen the dogs while on vacation in Portugal. The breed quickly gained popularity in the United States, and in 1983, the Portuguese Water Dog was officially recognized by the American Kennel Club.

Grooming Needs

Portuguese Water Dogs have a unique and curly coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and looking its best. Their coats are hypoallergenic, meaning they shed very little, making them a great choice for people with allergies. However, their coats can also become matted and tangled if not properly cared for, which can cause discomfort and even skin irritation for the dog. 

To keep a Portuguese Water Dog’s coat in good condition, regular brushing is essential. Most experts recommend brushing the coat at least once a week, but some dogs may require more frequent brushing depending on the thickness and length of their coat. A slicker brush or a pin brush is best for this breed, as it helps to remove tangles and mats without damaging the hair. 

In addition to regular brushing, Portuguese Water Dogs require occasional trimming to keep their coat looking neat and tidy. Trimming the coat also helps to prevent mats and tangles from forming, which can be especially important for dogs that spend a lot of time in the water. Many owners opt for a “lion cut,” which involves trimming the hair on the hindquarters and leaving a “mane” of hair around the neck and chest. 

Finally, like all dogs, Portuguese Water Dogs require regular bathing to keep their coat clean and healthy. However, bathing should be done with care, as over bathing can strip the coat of its natural oils and cause dryness and irritation. Many experts recommend bathing the dog once every 4-6 weeks, using a gentle shampoo that is specifically designed for dogs.

A water dog is posing happily in a hill with a wild coast landscape in the background. Concept of pets having fun in the nature

Overall, grooming a Portuguese Water Dog requires a significant time commitment, but it’s an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. By following a regular grooming routine, owners can help ensure that their dog’s coat stays healthy and looking its best for years to come.


Portuguese Water Dogs are a high-energy breed that require regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. They were originally bred to work alongside fishermen, which means they have a strong work ethic and love to stay active.

As a general rule, Portuguese Water Dogs require at least an hour of exercise each day. This can include activities like walking, running, swimming, playing fetch, or even agility training. Because they are such excellent swimmers, many owners find that water-based activities are especially enjoyable for their dogs.

In addition to physical exercise, Portuguese Water Dogs also benefit from mental stimulation. They are intelligent dogs that enjoy learning new tricks and participating in training sessions. Many owners find that activities like obedience training, nose work, or puzzle toys can help keep their dogs mentally engaged and prevent boredom.

In addition to physical exercise, Portuguese Water Dogs also benefit from mental stimulation. They are intelligent dogs that enjoy learning new tricks and participating in training sessions. Many owners find that activities like obedience training, nose work, or puzzle toys can help keep their dogs mentally engaged and prevent boredom.

It’s also important to note that Portuguese Water Dogs are highly social animals that thrive on human interaction. They can become bored and even destructive if left alone for extended periods of time, so owners should be prepared to spend plenty of time with their dogs each day. 

If you are considering getting a Portuguese Water Dog, be prepared to provide them with plenty of opportunities for exercise. A daily walk is not enough for these dogs – they need more intense exercise, such as running or swimming, to keep them in good condition. They also enjoy playing games, such as fetch or frisbee, and many Portuguese Water Dogs excel in agility competitions. 

Overall, Portuguese Water Dogs require a significant amount of exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. By providing them with plenty of opportunities to stay active, owners can help ensure that their dogs remain physically and mentally fit throughout their lives.


In addition to regular grooming and exercise, Portuguese Water Dogs have a few other requirements that potential owners should be aware of. These dogs are highly intelligent and require plenty of mental stimulation to prevent boredom and destructive behavior. They thrive on learning new tricks and commands and enjoy activities such as obedience training and nose work.

Portuguese Water Dogs also need plenty of socialization from an early age. These dogs are friendly and outgoing by nature, but they can become wary of strangers if they are not exposed to different people and environments as puppies. It is important to expose your Portuguese Water Dog to a variety of people, animals, and environments to ensure that they grow up to be well-adjusted and confident.

In the Ring

Portuguese Water Dogs are not only excellent working dogs but also have gained popularity in the show ring due to their unique appearance and impressive working ability. In the show ring, judges evaluate dogs based on how closely they adhere to the breed standard, which includes criteria such as coat type, color, size, and temperament. 

Portuguese Water Dogs are known for their athleticism and agility, making them well-suited for a variety of events, including conformation, obedience, and agility competitions. They are also often successful in events such as dock diving and water trials, which showcase their natural abilities as water dogs. In these events, judges evaluate the dog’s ability to swim, retrieve, and work with their handler. 

The breed’s coat is a unique aspect of their appearance that sets them apart from other breeds in the show ring. The Portuguese Water Dog’s coat can either be curly or wavy and is either black, white, or brown. The breed is known for being hypoallergenic, making them a popular choice for people with allergies. 

When it comes to size, Portuguese Water Dogs are considered a medium-sized breed, with males typically weighing between 42 and 60 pounds and females weighing between 35 and 50 pounds. Judges in the show ring evaluate the dog’s size, weight, and overall proportion to ensure that they adhere to the breed standard. 

In addition to their physical appearance, judges also evaluate the dog’s temperament in the show ring. Portuguese Water Dogs are known for their friendly and outgoing nature, and judges look for dogs that display confidence and poise while interacting with their handler and other dogs. Many Portuguese Water Dogs have achieved success in the show ring, with several dogs winning top awards and earning prestigious titles. In 2020, a Portuguese Water Dog named “Matisse” won the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show’s Working Group, a significant accomplishment for the breed. Matisse is not only a successful show dog but also a certified therapy dog, showcasing the breed’s versatility and intelligence.

Portuguese Water Dog standing in portrait against white background

Famous PWDs

There are several famous Portuguese Water Dogs who have made headlines in recent years. One of the most well-known is Bo, the beloved pet of former President Barack Obama and his family. Bo was gifted to the Obama family by Senator Ted Kennedy and quickly became a beloved member of the family. Bo was known for his friendly and outgoing personality, and he was often seen accompanying the Obama family on their daily activities, including walks and vacations.

Another famous Portuguese Water Dog is Sunny, who was also a pet of the Obama family. Sunny was adopted by the family in 2013 and quickly became a companion to Bo. The two dogs were often seen playing together on the White House lawn and were a beloved sight to many visitors. Sunny was known for her sweet personality and playful nature and was a favorite among the Obama family.

In addition to being beloved family pets, Portuguese Water Dogs have also achieved success in other areas. For example, a Portuguese Water Dog named Rags was a remarkable dog that was the first dog to complete the Canine Lifesavers Program in Florida. This program trains dogs to assist in water rescues, such as searching for missing swimmers or pulling distressed swimmers to safety. Rags proved to be a natural at water rescue work, thanks to the breed’s history as a working dog alongside fishermen. 


Portuguese Water Dog

After completing the Canine Lifesavers Program, Rags worked as a lifeguard for several years in Florida, patrolling the beaches and keeping a watchful eye on swimmers. He quickly became known as a hero in the community, and many beachgoers felt safer knowing that Rags was on duty.

During his time as a lifeguard, Rags saved numerous lives, including a young boy who was struggling in the water. The boy’s parents were overwhelmed with gratitude and wrote a heartfelt letter to Rags, thanking him for his Portuguese Water Dog bravery and quick thinking. Rags continued to work as a lifeguard until he passed away at the age of 12, leaving behind a legacy of bravery and service. Today, he is remembered as one of the greatest canine lifesavers of all time, and his contributions to water rescue work have helped to save countless lives. 

Another famous Portuguese Water Dog is Alemao, who gained national attention after being featured in a television commercial for Volkswagen. The commercial, which aired during the Super Bowl, showed Alemao running alongside a car and catching a frisbee in his mouth. The commercial was a hit with viewers and helped to bring awareness to the breed’s athleticism and intelligence. 

Overall, Portuguese Water Dogs have become popular pets and working dogs around the world, and their unique appearance and friendly nature have made them a beloved breed among dog lovers. From serving as family pets to working as lifeguards and appearing in television commercials, Portuguese Water Dogs have proven to be versatile and intelligent dogs with a bright future ahead of them.

Popular Names for PWD's

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