Whelping has always been an interesting and challenging subject for me. So much can go wrong, but when you have the experience and tools needed to help it go as smoothly as possible, it can be such a pleasant and exciting time. A bad whelping experience leaves a breeder with a bad feeling in the pit of his or her stomach for days, while a nice, problem free whelping experience can leave us feeling elated and rewarded.
Read along as we tap into the expertise of five dog breeders, in a variety of settings, with an amazing variety of advice and knowledge. Not every dog breeder agrees on all of the details, but as you know, there can be more than one way to something successfully. The goal for this Panel Discussion is to give advice and ideas, and then you, the breeder, can figure out how to implement what’s beneficial into your whelping program.
Oh, and don’t forget, this is only half of the questions! There’s more coming next time!