Customer Survery

The Results Are In

So, if you’ve been reading this section of The Dog Journal, you are probably anticipating another great Results article. What we’ve decided to do in this article is to take the information we’ve gleaned from the last two, and come up with some actionable steps and templates to share with our readers. Based on our customer surveys, we’ve come up with what we consider some important points of action to follow. Also, we have handpicked a few companies and programs that we think offer great solutions for concerns that your potential puppy buyers may have.

Now please remember, there are other companies and products out there that may also offer great services and solutions for these different key areas of action, and the ones we’ve chosen here are simply some that we have personally used with great success. Enjoy, and definitely use this information to make a positive difference in the way you interact and communicate with your customers and improve your breeding program!

Genetic Health:

When asked to choose from 4 different choices, the biggest percentage of participants choose Genetic Health and Testing as the most important factor in their puppy choosing decision. In fact, 79% of them said that it’s very important!

Paw Print Genetics offers quick simple genetic health testing kits at a great price.


According to our survey, 68% of participants think it’s important to keep their puppy on the same nutrition as it transitions to a new home. By keeping your puppies on premium dog food and nutrition, and making sure your new puppy buyers have access to these products, can greatly decrease the odds of sicknesses etc.

PawTree has the premium products you’re looking for, with an amazing compensation program.


69% of new puppy buyers want to buy pet insurance for their new puppy. And for you as the breeder, making sure your puppies are covered before they leave your location, can provide peace of mind for both you and the new puppy buyer.

Trupanion Insurance offers a free 30-day pet insurance to your new puppy buyers at no cost to you.

Training Classes:

65% of new puppy buyers said they would take online training classes before they buy a puppy. Behavioral issues is one of the leading reasons why pets end up in shelters and rescues. By recommending a good online training class to your customers, you can help improve their experience by creating less stress.

K9 Training Institute offers free online beginner classes, and very affordable master classes.


78% of prospective puppy buyers want lots of information from you the breeder before making a decision. 41% of them actually want to fill out a questionnaire to make sure they are the right fit for the puppy, or the puppy is the right fit for them.

We’ve created an email template that we send to everyone that inquires about a puppy. If you would like to get this email customized to fit your needs, feel free to copy parts of it, or reach out via email at [email protected] and we can help you customize something that will fit for your needs.


The most desired method of communication for our participants was text, followed by email, and then phone. This goes to show the that people are more comfortable with communicating on a screen versus talking to a real person.

If at all possible, communicate with your customers via text or email.

Follow Up:

 According to the survey, most of your puppy buyers want you to reach out and follow up at least once a month after their new puppy has transitioned to their home. Also consider following up the day after the puppy leaves just to make sure everything is going well.

Organize a consistent follow-up schedule that allows you to check in on your puppy buyers.

 Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask your customers what you can do to improve their experience. We can be tempted to choose no feedback over negative feedback, but if you as a breeder don’t ask for feedback, you can’t make educated decisions about necessary improvements, adjustments, etc.

 A quote comes to mind that I would like to share. “Champions eat feedback for breakfast.”

Email Template

Thank you for your interest in one of our adorable puppies! If you’re looking for a friendly, sociable puppy, you’ve found the right fit! We have spent a lot of time with these puppies, and have some thoughts, ideas, and information we would like to share with you.

This email is to ask questions, make recommendations, and to inform and educate you so that from the matching process, to the take home process, and beyond, everything can go smoothly and surprise free! We as breeders have figured out what works and what doesn’t work, and the things we’re recommending in this email are tried and true methods that if you follow, will increase the odds of years of fun, happiness and health for your new puppy. This list of recommendations and requirements are made with the puppies’ best interest in mind.

The right fit: In order to ensure that this match is a good fit for both you and your new puppy, we ask you to please fill out the attached questionnaire and return it to this email.

Saving a spot: If we both feel like this is a good fit, and you decide to move forward, we will require a nonrefundable deposit to hold your place in line.

Matching: We find new homes for these puppies as we get deposits, so once the deposit is placed, you’re free to come meet the puppies, and fall in love with any one puppy in specific, or we can help you find the right puppy virtually. Here’s a list of everything we ask you to do before and during the transitioning process. The list we have here covers physical, behavioral, and nutritional fitness and health. Remember that by investing in these areas of your puppy, you can help to assure that years of fun and happiness are coming! 

Health Guarantee: We offer a one year health genetic health guarantee, (see attached) and we ask that you please read and understand this guarantee before take home day. As you will see, we offer this one year guarantee only if your puppy stays on pawTree dog food and products. We do this simply because we are so aware of the positive results of premium nutrition, and also the problems that often stem from poor nutrition. 

Insurance: These puppies come with a free 30 day health insurance policy through Trupanion which is an amazing insurance company dedicated to covering any unexpected illnesses, accidents, and injuries that could affect your new puppy. When you arrive on take home day, we will help you activate your free 30 day policy online, and then you can choose to continue if you so desire after the first 30 days are past. We do ask that you activate this before leaving here with the new puppy, as it gives everyone peace of mind and protection. 

Food and Nutrition: These puppies have been on a premium dog food that we kindly ask that they stay on. We can’t stress the importance of a good diet enough, as this can mean the difference between happiness and health, and frustration and sickness. Check out these videos that put what we feel into words Why pawTree and Benefits of pawTree Here’s a few things to know before clicking here to get these amazing products on the way right now.

#1 Your new puppy has been on the Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe. If you order the XL bag (which is really 3 10lb bags) you will save 30%. 

#2 Choose EZ ship for all items. This is TOTALLY Flexible (modify, extend, cancel, etc.) and you’ll get FREE SHIPPING with 3 or more non-pet food items! Only have 1 or 2 items? You’ll still save 25% on shipping – AND earn pawClub points for future orders! 

#3 Use code INTRO4U at checkout to save 20% (on orders up to $100)! 

#4 Remember you have a 90-day guarantee. USE EVERY BIT of your order and if you’re not happy, pawTree will refund you 100%. 

#5 pawTree offers a lot of other really great products that you will also want to make sure you have on hand, like their treats, dental sticks, urine eliminator, shampoos, seasonings, etc. We use a lot of their products personally and absolutely would not want to do without. 

Behavioral: We know adding a new puppy to the family can be stressful, and that’s why we strongly encourage you to check out and participate in online training classes. We’ve found an amazing online class that offers a basic class at no charge, and steeply discounted rates for masterclasses, done by Dr Alexa Diaz (One of the top service dog trainers in the US.) and Eric Presnall (host of the hit Animal Planet TV show “Who Let The Dogs Out”) They put on a great course, and I highly encourage you to sign up and listen to it at your convenience. Click here and let’s get your puppy off to the right start! 

Veterinarian: Please make sure to schedule an appointment with a vet you trust for within 48 hours of when you pick up your puppy. You will get a vet report with your new puppy that includes record of vaccines and dewormers given etc. 

Take Home Kit: Your new puppy will come with the vet’s records, a hand written bill of sale, and a signed copy of the Health Guarantee. Al s o, we’ll provide you with some pee pads, treats, a toy, and some other fun items! 

Shipping: If you chose to have your puppy delivered, please ask us for information on a trusted third party delivery company that we can both feel good about. There’s a lot of information packed into this email, and we don’t want to overwhelm you, rather we hope that this email can contain all the information you need in order to make an informed decision. 

Thank you so much, and we look forward to meeting you soon!!


Looking For More To Read?

Customer Survey: Issue 1

Ever wonder how important certain breeding practices are to your potential puppy buyers? Well, we did too, enough so that The Dog
Journal decided to have a customer survey done
in the hopes that some of our questions could
be answered.

Things That You Should Never Tell a New Puppy Parent

People of all ages love puppies, and it can be exciting when someone that you love decides to bring one into his or her life. You may be thrilled for them, but there are times when you may open your mouth and say something that you shouldn’t. Many people try to say the right thing, and they only hurt their loved ones feelings. 

Popular Myth: Co-Ownership is a recipe for hard feelings and chaos.

Co-ownerships, a practice that is as old as dog breeders, can sometimes be seen as a hindrance to newcomers in the dog fancy. Some folks don’t fully comprehend the idea and can be misled. Let’s investigate the reasons why breeders utilize co-ownerships and how it can benefit preservation breeders and newcomers to the world of purebred dogs.

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